Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Favorite Subject and Grade 8

Let me talk a little about school here. My most significant class would be class 8. The reason why, is because I got to find myself and moreover I realized that it's wasn't just about finding yourself about also creating yourself. In other words I thought that discovering and inventing should go hand in hand. I also made good friends and one of them turned out to be my best friend. His name is Ransley G. Ransley by the way is still one of my best friends. In this grade, actually everyone was so curious about certain things, which I thought was amusing and I liked listening what my classmates had to say and they said different sorts of stories about social network site (Who said what to whom), girlfriends, sports, musicians and bands (like Greenday and Linkin Park) and also about thier personal lives.So It was kind of great, I think.

However I was also teased in this class and my class teacher also made the beginning of the year horrible. While collecting answer scripts of our tests, she though I threw my paper at her face and went back. She said this after collecting all the papers and then she called my roll no. and I didn't stand up because it didn't really hit me at the first instance that it was my number (and I never thought anything would happen like this to me) and then she shouted out again and then it dawned on me and I stood up at once. She then accused me, and then I saw my first bench classmates turning around with faces saying 'No I saw you, you didn't do anything like that' and then I had to look straight into my teacher's eyes. Before this almost all the teachers remarked I was 'well behaved and well mannered' and 'honest' student and that same well mannered student had to go through this. She was my English teacher. She then decided to deduct 2 marks from my paper. I was blank then, and after she left I started crying. I cried really hard. My friends came to soothe me, I don't remember whether it helped me or made it even worse. All I remember was, watching me cry, another student started crying too because his test went bad. I think I was also responsible for his crying.

English was always my favorite subject and still is. But in class 8, I never got good marks, I got D grades (that's 50% - 60%) and I couldn't believe it! After that my hopes in English were belied. She even after that changed my place and send to right at the back of the class at one corner. I stopped minding it after some time and she forgot what I did and she even forgot my name! So then the 2nd term was alright. To be very honest I didn't really like her as an English teacher.

So in class 9( I'll tell more about this class later) when my favorite English teacher told us to write in a chit of paper the marks we were expecting and I thought the marking scheme will be the same as class 8 and so I didn't get my hopes up and wrote a modest 50/80 and she was shocked to see that! And then without showing my marks, she turned to the class and said 'Gentlemen, I think this is the highest in this class and he expects 50' and then I saw 65/80 and I was amazed and surprised and I really couldn't believe. Later I found out that I didn't get the highest, I got the 3rd highest because 2 other students got 67 and 66. But I was so happy that I did not bother about that! I was just very happy. And my confidence in that subject came back and English became my favorite subject since then again. In my last English exam I got 87/100 and the teacher told me that I write well.

This was my story behind my favorite subject.

Love Always,

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